Friday, June 19, 2009



Happy families produce happy communities, which produce a happy nation. And happy nations are both creative and highly productive.

A happy family is product of a healthy relationship between the husband and his wife, and between children and their parents.A healthy relationship between a man and his wife, between parents and their children, will only occur when the relationship is a loving one. And their are skill to having a loving relationship.

A woman has unique needs from her husband in order to be happy and vice verse.Also, children do have unique needs from their parents to be happy members of the family. Whether the children are happy or not directly affects the family. Now, understanding the unique needs of each member of the family and doing our best to fulfilling it is the key to building loving relationships and the consequent creation of a happy family.

When there is prevailing love in the family, infidelity will go,drug abuse will go, juvenile delinquency will be greatly reduced,and the incidence of divorce, which has gone to an unprecedented level in the world today, will be quite reduced; what we shall then have is increased productivity at work places and healthy societies. Happy families make a happy nation. Happy nations make a happy world. Let us go back to the families if wish to ever solve the problems in the world today. The first place each and every one of us existed was our various families. That is where we are laregely made or mared, and what we have is what we bring into play in our communities, our nations and our world, whether it be good or bad.

We shall divde this article into three sections.The first shall deal with how to be a good husband and a good father so as to build a happy family; the second section shall deal with how to be a good wife and a good mother so as to build a happy family;finally the third section shall deal with how to be a good child in the family, this is neccessary because our children need to be taught, before they can live in a way we desire.


1. How to be a good Husband

Being a good husband is an art. It takes skills in identifying what your woman needs from you, as a man and how to skifully bring her fulfillment to those needs, as much as you can.

Women have unique needs from their men which arise from their unique emotional make-up.They require these need to be fulfilled, at least to a certian extent,for them to be really happy, and freely give their best to their husbands and children; and build a happy family.

Your wife needs you to show gratitude for the little things she does for you and your family as a whole. Doing so makes her feel encouraged and happy to do those things more and more.such a happy woman exudes love, and soon fills your family with an atmosphere of peace and love. You can express gratitude to your wife by simply sayiny 'thank you honey' for every good thing she does for you no matter how small the are.You can also show gratitude by giving her gifts-flowers,ring, undies and so on.You will be surprised that she would value those things so much, at times even more than the one which she bought herself.And whenever she sees them, they represent a tangible expresion of your loving gratitude.

Your wife always need an abiding love from you.Love has three dimensions;thoughts of love,words of love, and deeds of love. for your love to be strongly expressed to her, you have to think thoughts of love conerning her.let it be love that ccome to your heart each time you think about her. you also need to speak tender, love words to her. One genuine ' I love you sweet heart' every day can do wonders.One genuine tender peck on her cheek before you hurry to work can sustain happiness in your family. Then this love needs to be manifested in your actions, your attitude toward her , her achievements, her mistakes and her weaknesses. rejoice with her in her achievements, and don't be critcal toward her mistakes and weaknesses. instead discuss it with her and encourage her to make changes where possible. 'love covers a multitude of sin', the bible says.Condeming her will achieve the opposite of a happy family.You can also show love by helping her out in the kitchen at times, help dry the plates as she washes them;prepare surprise cookies and dishes for her occassionally, help her iron her cloth at times and so on . you know what, doing these things does not make you less of a man. Instead, they make you more of a capable husband.

Women love to be told that they are bauletiful, charming, pretty, sexy and such thing like you have bauetiful eyes, gorgeous lips and so on. Telling your wife those 'sweet nothings' can pull out the best out her, for the happiness of the family. make no mistake about it, women love to be petted. So, don't be a 'commander general ' in your home. Gentility and loving care does it.


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